Sustainability is an intrinsic part of their process to undertake. Innovatively and systemic, in line with its corporate governance structure, develop your business from an integrated view of concepts and values that determine the behaviors necessary to equate the financial return to shareholders and employees, socioeconomic development, the protection of environment and people, cultural diversity and the rational use of natural resources.Serving as a catalyze the development of regions and countries where it operates, Victory 7 Corporation promotes the construction of solutions management and governance of the territory, together with the different actors in society, trying to be an example of responsible corporate leadership for Brazil and world.
To achieve these goals, Victory 7 Corporation undertakes to:Meet legal requirements and other requirements;- Adopt in its activities, products and services, and throughout its life cycle, the concept of prevention related to environmental, social and health and safety;- Respect human rights in the conduct of its activities, operations and services;- Pursue the development and retention of manpower and combating discrimination, promoting diversity in the workplace;- Provide decent working conditions for employees and workers of contractors, according to the best standards of quality;- Protect the health, safety and integrity of persons with respect to the risks and impacts of its activities, operations and services: employees, employees of contractors and business partners who work on their premises or on behalf of, and other stakeholders potentially affected by these risks and impacts;- Identify and manage the positive and negative impacts to the environment and people, and enable the efficient use of natural resources, seeking use of best market practices;- Contribute to the protection of biodiversity and responsibly manage their impacts on it;- Manage efficiently the waste solids, liquid and gaseous effluents, including greenhouse gas emissions from its activities, seeking to use the best available technologies and processes to control emissions;- Maintain relationship of transparency and credibility, business ethics and anti-corruption, in order to promote engagement with its stakeholders;- Encourage sustainable local development in the regions where it operates, in partnership with stakeholders, through the adoption and dissemination practices for management and governance of the territory that incorporate the integrated nature of the social, environmental, economic and cultural;Promote education, training and awareness of employees and workers of contractors for the environmental, social and health and safety;- Require the contractors and business partners commitment to performance standards similar to those adopted in its activities, products and services;- Seek continual improvement of the management and sustainability performance;